Market background:
mould application fields are widely, the speed of development is extremely fast. The development of industry about
car, IT electronic information,
home appliances, OA office equipment, machinery and building materials industry, aviation, electric tools etc are inseparable from the mold, which greatly promoted the development of the mould at present the world market. At home, Xiaoshan, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Shantou, and Chongqing are vigorously developing mould industry. In recent years, the trading volume reaches between 60 billion dollars and 65 billion dollars of the world mould total market, but our country mould export is still less than 8%. Along with the economic globalization trend has become increasingly evident, mould manufacturing industry transfer to China gradually. And the trend of transnational group to purchasing China mold is day by day obvious, the foreign capital and private capital in China continue to remain positive on our mould industry, our country mould industry have more opportunities than challenges and our development space is very large.